Valentine poems - Goodbye...and Goodnight

Valentine poems - Goodbye...and Goodnight 1.jpg

Goodbye...and Goodnight

Will we see the lights
Will we hear the sirens

Will we have such volumes of sound
Echo throughout our ears

While we follow our hearts
And abandon our fears

Because it will be
These days of our lives

That we strive
To impact

And impress
But we cant right now

For all of this stress
They pour it on

And never stop
Covering me fully

Until I drop
I'll just shut up now

But this is only the start
I'll be back again

Maybe tomorrow
Maybe tonight

For now I will instill in your heart
The most shrilling sight

You will picture me saying

And goodnight

Valentine poems - Goodbye...and Goodnight 2.jpg

Valentine poems - Goodbye...and Goodnight 3.jpg

Valentine poems - Goodbye...and Goodnight 4.jpg
Valentine poems - Goodbye...and Goodnight 5.jpg
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