Valentine poems - Valentine Zoo

Valentine poems - Valentine Zoo1.jpg

Valentine Zoo

I’m an animal lover, I’m happy to say.
And I love them and pet them most every day.
So for you, Valentine, I thank heaven above,
Because you’re like the wonderful creatures I love.

You‘re cuddly and cute as a warm, playful kitten,
With your animal nature, my love, I am smitten.
You walk proud as a lioness stalking the plain,
With your dangerous eyes and your beautiful mane.

It’s such pleasure to pet you, as you sigh and you purr,
I run my hand over you, like stroking your fur.
I'm the strong Alpha wolf with you at my side,
Sharing love, food and shelter, and feelings of pride.

These feelings of animal love we can share,
As I find different ways to show that I care.
So won’t you please be my own private zoo?
My Valentine, I love to play with you.

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Valentine poems - Valentine Zoo
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