Valentine poems - Perfect Gift

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Perfect Gift

I worship you sweetheart and there is nothing I want more;
Than to find the perfect gift and watch your emotions soar.
Your gratitude compels me to take your breath away;
With a Valentine offering, that puts my heart on display.
Each year has been so special and with this I must recall;
The time you screamed with joy and the year I made you bawl.
A jewelry box you requested and with this the search began;
Average is not for you, so with this I devised a plan.
A trip down to Bass Pro Shops could surely do no harm;
A double-decker tackle box turned out to be the charm.
A fur coat you had mentioned because they are so soft;
You had two coats already, so the mink idea I scoffed.
I topped myself once more; I could tell that you were thrilled;
A live Chinchilla you could name, another wish fulfilled.
He bit your lip and made it bleed, when you gave that guy a kiss;
I think you knew he couldn't swim, our new pet we're gonna miss.
I know you love the movies, and Europe has always been a dream;
I wont forget one Valentines Day when I made those brown eyes beam.
You were speechless that special night, one I'll always cherish;
Not many brides can say they own 'Earnest goes to Paris'.
You say you don't deserve my gifts and to you I say 'contraire'.
I will always go the extra mile, no shortcuts will I spare.
A romantic I am and will always be, I know you feel indebted;
All these gifts you've treasured, and none I have regretted.
Each year keeps getting better, your devotion I adore;
Two thousand five's is no different; I love you even more.

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