Valentine poems - Love Beyond X-Box

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Love Beyond X-Box

We've lasted through Mario Brothers, Pac Man and Donkey Kong
Who would have ever dreamed our love could last so long?

Thirty-one years of Super bowls, playoffs and such
Honey I only survived because I love you so much

I've organized your fishing rods, golf clubs and mitts
But I gotta tell ya, those X-boxes are giving me fits!

Your glazed expressions, you're zoning out
I really can't understand what those games are about

Those lustful eyes used to light up at me
Now they are focused on the darn TV

Gladiators, commandos and firing planes
Honey I think it's causing your backache pains

Your hands are glued to that little ole' mouse
Do you even remember I'm here in the house?

And the kids are now orphaned, alone and adrift
Their dad's been mummified on a chair I can't shift

But baby I love you, X-box and all
Just remember where you sleep, it's that bed down the hall!

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