Valentine poem - Valentine Gift

Valentine poem - Valentine Gift 1.jpg

Valentine Gift

On Valentine’s Day,
I’m thinking about
the special ways
you have made my life better.
The little things,
the not-so-little things...
Your kindness,
the way you always listen
and pay attention to me.
You make my world
brighter and richer.
You’re a gift to me,
and I thank you
for being you.

Valentine poem - Valentine Gift 2.jpg

Valentine poem - Valentine Gift 3.jpg

Valentine poem - Valentine Gift 4

love pictures


  1. i feel this one coz here is the real joy of love

  2. awwwww that sooo cute I love this

  3. so far..all...nice..
    i like it.!

  4. nice....!!
    i like it...sobra!

  5. nice...
    i like all of themmmm....


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